Tecnar’s Lut 2.0 Sets A New Record In The Seamless Tube Industry: 95 mm Wall Thickness Measured Without Contact On Hot Pipe


Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville, Québec, March 07, 2024 — Last fall, Tecnar’s Lut 2.0 DPS Dual Probe Scanner set a new industry record by accurately measuring the true wall thickness of 95 mm on hot seamless steel tubes online and without direct contact.

Tecnar confidently anticipated that the Lut 2.0 could outperform other technologies, such as gamma-ray-based gauges, limited to an average wall thickness of approximately 50 mm. This confidence was validated by data from the Lut 2.0’s successful installation at Daye Special Steel’s production facility in Huangshi City, China.

Operating downstream of Daye’s Assel mill, the Lut 2.0 consistently demonstrated its prowess by routinely measuring tubes’ wall thickness ranging from 30 to 90 mm and achieving a record-breaking thickness of 95 mm during a single run. This remarkable accomplishment, the result of a collaboration between the Tecnar and Daye teams, is a significant industry breakthrough.

Tecnar’s Lut 2.0 leverages ultrasound technology to bring enhanced performance and accuracy to the hot tube and pipe manufacturing process. By surpassing previous standards, laser ultrasonics is becoming the technology of choice for monitoring critical pipe characteristics, such as true wall thickness, length, temperature, and eccentricity. This industry milestone reinforces Tecnar’s commitment to innovation and excellence.

See the Lut 2.0’s dynamic evolution for yourself at the Tecnar booth, Hall 7A at D17, at Tube Düsseldorf in April 2024. It’s the ideal venue to get the most up-to-date information on the leading online wall thickness gauge.

(This article was originally published in ITATUBE Journal – April 2024)

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