The Lut 2.0 thickness gauge continuously monitors production and helps operators ensure that the mill is operating at full capacity.
See the impact of rolling parameter changes as soon as the first tube leaves the mill. Quickly attain tolerance, especially during size changes.
By constantly monitoring the tube wall thickness, operators can track tool wear and slow process drift as they develop, helping them to react before the tubes are out of tolerance.
Set tighter tolerance on wall thickness and reduce end length and eccentricity. Use less material and roll better-quality tubes.
Use the Lut 2.0 wall thickness profile to increase overall yield by minimizing the length of the heavy ends.
The Lut 2.0 fully automated measurement sequence easily integrates into your existing automation system for a fully seamless operation.
The Lut 2.0 automates manual thickness sampling so operators can work more safely and efficiently.
The Lut is the first technology that provides true wall thickness measurement online with micron-level accuracy.
In addition, it is the only gauge that fully characterizes eccentricity under all plant conditions.
The only technique to provide true, direct wall thickness measurements.
The Lut 2.0 core units are built around Tecnar’s proprietary designs and engineered to achieve one goal: bulletproof reliability.
The Lut 2.0 is equipped with a web-based user interface and a SQL database that can be accessed from anywhere in the plant.
The Lut 2.0 is offered in four different configurations to give you the best features for your application:
Tecnar takes pride in offering the best manufacturing/engineering warranty and support in the business so you can rely on Lut 2.0 for years to come.
But don’t just take our word for it… take it from our customers.
Tecnar knows that better process control means increased productivity. That’s why your productivity is at the heart of everything we do. Tecnar designs and develops advanced sensors for industrial process monitoring and control.
Founded in 1989 as a spin-off from Canada’s National Research Council, Tecnar has since diversified into four highly specialized product lines: automated pressure pipe welding, thermal and cold spray sensors, non-contact laser ultrasonic sensors and laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) sensors.
Contact us to learn how to leverage the data from the Lut 2.0 and get a return on your investment in less than 2 years.